Bailout & Stimulus for Banks and Wall Street Continue While Main Street Suffers. Mortgage Relief: Focus on the Cure and End the Cause.
Curtis Greco, Author and Economic Policy Analyst, continues to push the media envelope in his quest to offer solutions for addressing several critical economic policy issues. High on The Imperfect Messenger Foundation’s OnPoint Topics is the collapsing Residential Real Estate Markets and the Oppressive Mortgage Burden that fuels its failure. In a recent interview, Greco…
Wall Street Fraud Watchdog Warns Investors About Economic Turmoil for 2011-12 & Says High Yield Real Estate Notes-Silver Should Beat the Street-with Specific Endorsements
The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog continues to be extremely pessimistic about the short, or long term prospects for significant gains on Wall Street, given the realities of the U.S. or global economies. The group does not believe the Wall Street rally that occurred the week of September 12th is sustainable. The group is also convinced…
The Foreclosure Crisis (Part 2 of 2)
The Foreclosure Crisis (Part 2 of 2) – House Oversight Committee – 2011-03-08 – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The Full Committee field hearing will be held in the Moot Courtroom at the University of Maryland School of Law, 500 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD, 21201 at 9:00 am Witnesses: Ms. Phyllis Caldwell…
Avoid Foreclosures – Wall Street Foreclosure Attorney/Lawyer Bruce Richardson Lenders knew or should have known substantial numbers of its subprime loans, especially absent prompt refinancing, would fail and result in foreclosure. Nonetheless lenders made the loans to promptly package and sell to the secondary market. Predictably, as a result of these predatory loans, scores of borrowers across America now face foreclosure, and many…