Foreclosure Statistics Increase by 84%

Homeowners in the area of East Hamptons, New York seem to be increasingly at risk of foreclosure, according to statistics compiled by, an online real estate Website. Lis pendens i. e., Initial legal notices of a pending action, in this case a foreclosure action –  increased by 84 percent in 2009 compared with 2008,…

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Mortgage Foreclosure Solutions – Foreclosure Statistics at 4 Year High – Get Help and Assistance To Avoid/Stop Foreclosure

Foreclosure Solutions For You Mortgage foreclosure is a process by which a mortgage holder (the mortgagee) try’s to regain possession of your home (the mortgagor) after some form of default. The most common form of default is non-payment and mortgage foreclosure begins usually after a few months of non-payments. Right now home mortgage foreclosures are…

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