Home Owners Options when Facing Foreclosure – Deed In Lie…
Deed In Lieu as an option for homeowner experiencing a severe financial hardship that is causing them to miss their mortgage payments. Part 2 of a 7 part series brought to you by Short Sale Assistance Group and Ascendant Realty on what the options are for people facing foreclosure on either their home or investment…
Deed in Lieu vs Short Sale
theshortsalegenius.com Should your client do a deed in lieu or short sale? Trent explains the advantages and the setbacks of a deed in lieu and a short sale.
Deed in lease vs. Deed in lieu
Mark Spain, 27+ Year Loss Mitigation Expert explains difference between “Deed in Lieu vs Deed in lease”
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure Video
Deed lieu of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure is looked on by some as the preferred way to stop a foreclosure, and it may work, but it is likely to require the homeowner creating motivation for the lender by showing the banker that the homeowner has valid reasons to dispute the loan and…
Foreclosure Expert New Toll Free 800/888 Number – Foreclosure Solutions – Laws – Prevention – Deed Lieu of Foreclosure Video
Deed Lieu of Foreclosure to Free Preliminary Audits of your situation and much more you can get expert help at Help to Stop Foreclosure. In addition there is now a new Toll Free 800-888 Foreclosure Solutions help number for people to call to get free information and initial help and consultation about their foreclosure issues.…