Bailout & Stimulus for Banks and Wall Street Continue While Main Street Suffers. Mortgage Relief: Focus on the Cure and End the Cause.

Curtis Greco, Author and Economic Policy Analyst, continues to push the media envelope in his quest to offer solutions for addressing several critical economic policy issues. High on The Imperfect Messenger Foundation’s OnPoint Topics is the collapsing Residential Real Estate Markets and the Oppressive Mortgage Burden that fuels its failure. In a recent interview, Greco is quoted as saying: “Let’s be quite clear, there is no escaping the fact that if the goal is to preserve both the Housing Market AND the Mortgage Debt then there is no solution; there is no way to accomplish both at the same time. To believe so would also then suggest that one can stay dry in a monsoon by stepping between drops of rain!” Without question, The Imperfect Messenger Foundation strongly encourages the Administration and Congress to look at Greco’s suggestions. Second only to Job Creation Capabilities, a stable Residential Housing Market is an absolute necessity.

As Curtis Greco’s followers continue swell and along with his growing media presence, America is awakening to a an entirely new brand of commentary. Victor Sills, who follows Greco through Twitter, says: “He’s truly remarkable, he doesn’t simply pay lip-service to a news topic, he actually talks solutions, viable make-sense solutions. I particularly like being able to pick up his on-air interviews. It’s great that a growing number of radio stations from all over the country are streaming his interviews live. The call-ins are great too, I’ve never heard him duck a question; he hits them head-on. The one I heard the other day on fixing the Mortgage mess was absolutely brilliant. I hope someone in Congress heard it.”

Greco’s most recent article, Restoring the U.S. Housing & Mortgage Markets, tackles the subject in his customary comprehensive approach and for anyone looking to gain an in-depth perspective on the issues and solutions, we heartily recommend the piece. As Bill Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former Clinton administration official, mirrors Greco’s position in his recent statement: “The impact of foreclosures is visceral and outsized, rippling far beyond one household….Entire neighborhoods see what’s going on and the visibility contributes to the psychology of continued economic troubles.”

In a recent On-Air visit with Jim Sandell, Host of 11 O’Clock Live on KDAZ Radio, Curtis hit the cause of the problem by stating: “There exists and anatomically incorrect component that is common to all Government Induced Failures and one whose cause is so surprisingly pure and simple it stings the mind that so few people and so-called experts seem willing to grasp their core flaw. It is both the reason for the crisis and the very reason why it remains unresolvable and one might summarize the core flaw in this way: Failure is assured when there is no Risk of Loss attached to Performance Failure!” The result of which, as Karl E. Case, co-founder of the Case-Shiller Home-Price Index, recently remarked, “Housing; it’s not the American dream, it’s the nightmare.”

Greco went on to say that, “At this point what should be clear to any party of concerned interest is that the Vested Interests attached to the Mortgage and Banking Structure of this Nation are not at all interested in preserving the American Household. It is not so much that they are decidedly adverse to the idea however it is more so that they are more interested and consequently supremely dedicated to preserving the Financial System.” Richard K. Green, director of the University of Southern California’s Lusk Center for Real Estate, appears to resolve to a similar conclusion as well; “The only way we get out from under as a country is if people have equity again.”

Greco’s articles can be seen with regularity in various publications however feel free to source and view each of his commentaries online at The Imperfect Messenger Foundations website.

The Blind-Vision Series: We Hold These Truths, Value Given, Value Received and Valor in Prosperity 2nd Edition are Available Now online and through your local bookseller!

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Who Is?

Curtis C. Greco, Author & Founder of The Imperfect Messenger Foundation is a provocative and engaging speaker and writer covering a variety of topics including “kinetic behavioral dynamics” and socio-political, economic and corporal philosophies. Combining his commitment to life-long study, his formal education, 13 years in public accounting and 20 years in real estate portfolio management, development, financial and economic analysis; he brings a broad and seasoned knowledge base in dynamic and captivating form.

“Man must be Free for Independence to be at Liberty to be expressed!” C. Greco


Posted On: Santa Rosa, Ca. September 21, 2011