Produce The Note – Can Help You Stop Foreclosure
Produce The Note is a new way to legally stop a foreclosure seen on good morning america where home owners are demanding the banks that are foreclosing produce the note. This is to ensure that they legally are the ones that are the ones who have the note to foreclose your home. …
Fight Foreclosure – Demand The Banks Produce The Note!
The banks have sold and resold mortgages so many times a huge number of banks no longer actually have any legal claim to property they foreclose on. It’s time we stop the banks from literally stealing property they have no right to take. They get away with it because most people have no idea the…
Fight Foreclosure: Produce the Note How-To
Facing foreclosure? Info at may help. Your goal is to make certain the institution suing you is, in fact, the owner of the note. There is only one original note for your mortgage that has your signature on it. This is the document that proves you owe the debt.