Produce The Note – Can Help You Stop Foreclosure

Produce The Note is a new way to legally stop a foreclosure seen on good morning america where home owners are demanding the banks that are foreclosing produce the note. This is to ensure that they legally are the ones that are the ones who have the note to foreclose your home. …

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Kramer Law: Bank of America Enters Negotiations to Request Amnesty for Admitted Wrongdoing of Past Mortgage Abuses

According to Kramer Law, the bank is hopeful to settle for millions instead of billions and avoid criminal prosecution. The Huffington Post is reporting that, “Federal and state prosecutors are in advanced negotiations with Bank of America in pursuit of a settlement that would forgive the bank for a broad range of past mortgage abuses…

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Facing Foreclosure, Bank Reimburses Fla. Couple

A Fla. couple finally got thousands of dollars in reimbursement from Bank of America by threatening the bank with foreclosure. The long legal battle actually began when the bank wrongly foreclosed on the couple’s home. (June 6)

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