Find Out the Best Ways Possible to Get a Pro Bono Attorney or One on Contingency to Help You Stop Foreclosure or Do It Yourself Without an Attorney – You Decide!!!
Get the How To Stop Foreclosure Solutions… EBook Today!!!
This one of a kind Fresh, New and Unique powerhouse of foreclosure stopping information eBook is for both those who want to stop foreclosure using an attorney and it is for those wanting to stop foreclosure without using an attorney. This editorial viewpoint below is mainly for those wanting to hire and use an attorney’s help to stop foreclosure in addition to using this new eBook and the expert help that goes along with the Stop Foreclosure Solutions… eBook.
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In this power packed eBook you will find out knowledge that can help you assist your attorney in winning your case and also how to find a good attorney at little or no cost that should need little to no assistance from you to win your case because he or she is the best one for the job of winning your case.
First, in this eBook you get Priceless expert info on what to look for in an attorney and great ways to stop foreclosure your attorney can to be using and doing to help you stop your foreclosure.
If you chose to get an attorney to help stop foreclosure you need to be able to know a little about the laws and procedures pertaining to your foreclosure case so you know what is going on with your attorney’s efforts to stop your foreclosure; then you can observe him or her and have some assurance that your attorney is doing his/her best to stop your foreclosure.
This eBook will give you the quick and easy info you need to either help you assist your attorney stop foreclosure or stop foreclosure yourself, whichever way, you decide.
The Supreme Court Said:
Homeowner-defendants with attorneys must make themselves competent to assist their attorney in their own defense to insure their case is moving forward in their favor. According to the 8th Cir. Court in US v. Hinton, 218 F3d 910 (8th Cir. 2000) “Due process requires that a defendant be tried only if he is competent to assist in his own defense.” This is because the minimum standards for you to have the best, or at least a reasonable, chance of defending and winning your case is for you to have enough knowledge to be able to assist your attorney in your own defense.
A Supreme Court Chief Justice Said:
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Judge Warren Burger Said, “Chief Justice Warren Burger of the U.S. Supreme Court Warned “75 to 90 Percent of American Trial Lawyers are Incompetent, Dishonest or Both” This is partly because most attorneys are over worked and/or under staffed.
Many attorneys are overworked which can even to a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court make them look “incompetent, dishonest or both. It is a common belief that most attorneys are in it for the money; that being the case, unless they work for a Michael Jackson or an OJ Simpson who can pay them handsomely just to work for one client many attorneys feel they need to take on many, many cases in order to make good money.
Under those circumstances a client needs to be able to know what his or her attorney should be doing and make sure it is actually being done for them (the client) to have the best chance to win his or her case.
If you get an attorney, assisting him or her plus making sure things are being done in your favor is what you must do for your foreclosure case in order to know your attorney is handling your foreclosure case properly to your satisfaction.
This information packed eBook has the content you need to help you be able to better assist your attorney in his or her efforts to win your case.
Now, of course you cannot learn as much about the law as an attorney knows, but you can certainly learn enough to effectively assist your attorney in having the best chance of winning your case, and that is all you need, and that’s the knowledge this eBook provides.
Second and further, since you can get effective knowledge to assist an attorney from this eBook you also have enough knowledge to have the best chance of winning your case yourself if that is your goal.
Therefore, either way with or without an attorney you can get the outstanding information you need to help you win your foreclosure matter and come out on top.
Third, in this eBook you can find out how to hire an attorney to do the best job for you in solving your foreclosure problems, one that should need little to no assistance from you to help them in their efforts to win your case.
Of course, it would be easier for you if you just get an attorney that you can trust to do the best job for you at the lowest price, preferably pro bono or contingency or hybrid contingency. In this eBook you will be given the guidelines you need to find the best attorney for you to help you win your case.
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