Deed Lieu of Foreclosure
You can offer the lender a deed in lieu of foreclosure or better yet get the goods on them and make them treat you fairly so you don’t have to give up you home with a deed in lieu of foreclosure. You decide we can help
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Produce the Note
Demand the Lender Produce the Note, the original – They usually can’t so this can help to stop foreclosure. Get help today! Call or Chat or Email-Form to Stop Foreclosure to get the help you need to prevent foreclosure Now!
Video Clip – Notary Fraud – Void Mortgage – Sample Violation
Many times the lender has made bad errors in a mortgage that can stop a foreclosure and help a homeowner win negotiations with the lender in the homeowner’s favor. Get a foreclosure expert to look at your paperwork today to get you the ammunition you need, like what is in this video, to help you win you foreclosure battle today. Call or Chat or Email-Form to Stop Foreclosure Today!
To Much Money To Be Made with Foreclosures and Short Sales
One West Bank has a sweet deal from the FDIC that’s why they want to foreclose on a homeowner and/or do a short sale instead of dealing fairly with the homeowner. They can actually make money out of losing money. Amazing. Watch this video, then call me an get some help stopping these types of guys (pretty much all lenders and bankers) from taking your home. Call or Chat or Email-Form to Stop Foreclosure Today!
The Coming Option ARM Mortgage Crash
Experts predict there is a new wave of problem mortgages the Option ARM mortgages. These types of mortgages are about to adjust right out of the ability for many people talked into getting them to pay. This is expected to cause a whole new wave of foreclosures. Prepare before it happens to you or your friends and family. Get the help you need today to prevent this from causing an un-needed foreclosure. Call or Chat or Email-Form to Stop Foreclosure and let us know your needs so we can help you today